Android Malware

How Does Malware In Android Applications Work?

How does malware in smartphone applications work? With the news that yet another malware infected application has hit the Android marketplace, we ask what the hell does a malware infected app look like and what…


Sony Ericsson Nozomi Release

Sony Ericsson Nozomi Launch: In a week that has seen relatively few huge headlines compared with the takeovers and litigation fever of the last few weeks, there has however been some interesting news from Sony…

Samsung Will Never Buy Web OS Here Is Why

Samsung Not interested in HP’s webOS: In an article written only a few days ago about the wholesale scrapping of the webOS operating system from HP, I opened a bit of a twitter conversation regarding…

Roaming Charges Gone In Ten Years Or Less

Roaming charges to end in less than ten years: With the cost of making a call while abroad approximately three times higher than when you are at home according to the European Consumers Association (BEUC)…

Deezer Music Service UK Launch

Popular French music streaming service to launch in UK in September and rival Spotify and Last FM: With around 20 million users in France alone, Deezer has finally decided to take its technology over the…

Google TV UK Launch Coming Soon

Google TV to hit UK shores within 6 months: With the US launch of Google TV last October, the service and device was expected to be available in the UK late last year also, however…

Android Apps To Work On Blackberry

Blackberry allow Android apps to work on their mobile devices: Research in motion the manufacturers of Blackberry’s are planning to allow Android applications to work on their new QNX based smartphone range in order to…

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